Trevor Watt
Head of Public Sales, Blink ChargingAs head of public sector sales, Trevor is an integral part of expanding Blink's presence across the UK, with a key focus on local authority, NHS and blue light, education, housing associations, and government-backed services.
Trevor has a wealth of knowledge and experience within the EV industry and has been part of several original grant schemes including; OLEV, Innovate UK, ERDF, OZEV and now LEVI. Trevor has supported clients through procurement and deploying EV grant schemes, he has also been a spokesman on Charge Point Operator (CPO) panels such as LEVI to help shape the £450M grant award across England.
Trevor's expertise ensures Blink Charging’s end-to-end process is client-focused and deliverable while continuing to present innovative technologies to support the future of the EV Charging infrastructure.