Find road, traffic and transport solutions that will help you deliver safer, more dependable roads for your communities while saving you time and money.
Management & Mobility
Helping you invest wisely
This year's Management & Mobility stage will examine the new Spending Review, investment in decarbonisation, leveraging digital twins for smarter transportation and asset maintenance.
Safety & Sustainability
Greener, safer roads are priority
Your Safety & Sustainability stage will examine the DfT Road Safety Strategy, tracking progress towards Vision Zero, decarbonisation drivers for local authorities and road safety.
EV Infrastructure
Navigating the complexities
Your Evex stage will examine the complexities of EV infrastructure funding and delivery (case studies), leveraging AI in EV infra deployment, chargepoint accessibility and rural areas.
National Highways
Headline Content Partner
National Highways will headline the Management & Mobility stage as well as hosting their Networking Lounge on the show floor for local authorities and major contractors.
Hear from local authorities
Council leaders from across the UK will examine challenges around spending, the environment, potholes, implementing decarbonisation at a local level and EV infrastructure.